July 20, 2012

Christ Man

I really like the song,
I have a good 'got off the ground' feeling about this recording.
This is my 'type' of music but, I know other songs!!

-Christ Man tell me what you believe.-
-Christ Man tell me what you perceive.-
-Christ Man tell me what you will weave.-
-Christ Man tell me why you tell me I have to leave.-

MPK 2012

Where does the time go to?
Sometimes, I am impressed with historical recollection of the church.
Since this is the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the church, 
I composed a piece that I can live with. 
I think it is the one of the best recordings that I ever produced.
I must say, my musical compositional preferences are 
Native American; it is in the bloodline.

Native American; it is in the bloodline.